Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lady Driver

I jumped queue this morning and langgar somebody's car. The unfortunate car owner was a pregnant chinese lady driver, in her thirties. She was SO ANGRY. Sampai menggigil-gigil. Dia maki hamun while the whole of Bukit Antarabangsa just looked on. I admitted that I was wrong, just kept quiet and let her bebel-bebel sampai nak hilang suara...

She called her husband. He came by and everything was settled. My car yang teruk, hers only scratched. After we paid her deposit for repairs, we went our separate ways.

The moral of the story-
1. dont jump queue,
2. never ever langgar a car owned by a lady driver with raging hormones
3. (untuk isteri-isteri) biarlah kita yang buat silap, say, like langgar kereta orang ke, daripada suami kita yang salah langgar kereta orang.. sebab kalau suami kita yang salah.. sure kita bebel lagi panjang!!! keh keh keh!

Yang, thank you sebab tak bebel dan tak marah..

Monday, December 31, 2007

Big Bad Boss

I used to say to my staffs .. " You all ni kan... kalau kerja dengan En. Ismail macamana agaknya!!!", whenever their works were not up to my expectation.

My ex boss, En Ismail, couldnt tolerate spelling errors, made me feel so guilty if I got sick, blamed me for everything when something went wrong, forced me to work during weekends. Although he was the best boss anybody could have... I used to think, working with him is so tiring and stressful BUT very rewarding (in case.. he is reading.. hehehehe!!)


Hafa (my J41 officer), Darwin (my pembantu undang-undang) and I went to Johor Bahru on Boxing Day to finalise our Manual Penyiasatan dan Pendakwaan. Once we checked in to the hotel, we worked and we worked. We worked until 3.00 am. The next morning, Darwin (the most obedient) pening-pening, langgar dinding and collapsed. We quickly sent her to the hospital and she was admitted for two days.

I am a monster. I drilled my staff until she collapsed and admitted to the hospital. I was even worse than En. Ismail *sigh*

I hope she forgives me. I hope she gets well soon.. and... continue kerja... (kerja banyak menunggu, babe!) :p

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


In between my first operation and my second operation, Shahid and I went to Shanghai. Nanti cerita lagi bila dah upload gambar-gambar.


Gambar belum up load lagi dalam desktop ni.. tapi tak sabar-sabar nak cerita kat sini. Hari ini, office kosong, semua ke Peperiksaan PTK. Langsung tak ada mood nak kerja (like.. hari lain ada mood.. hahaha!) Rasa sangat guilty dah lama tak tulis apa-apa di sini.

On the 1st of November, Shahid & I pergi ke Chiangmai. Walaupun, kaki sakit. Lebih teruk lagi naik Air Asia, bila nak boarding kena jalan berbatu-batu baru sampai. I took lots of pain killers. Sakit kaki tak kurang tapi bertambah pulak dengan gastrik.

Sampai sahaja di Chiangmai, kami dibawa ke Doi Suthep Temple. Ramai yang pada mulanya tak berminat ke Temple, tapi ramai yang kata kalau visit Chiangmai dan tak pergi tengok temple ni macam... pergi paris tak tengok eifel tower, atau pergi london tak tengok big ben atau pergi KL tak tengok KLCC. We were pleasantly surprise. The temple is beautiful, clean, well kept.

Selepas ke sana, we were taken to a small restaurant to have lunch! Tom Yam was so GREAT!!! (Every meal must have Tom Yam. I do not mind at all.. sebab sedap sangat!) Lepas makan ke Honey Factory, before we checked in.

After dinner, we went to the night bazaar. Despite, sakit kaki, masih sempat shopping.

The next morning we went to the Elephant Camp. The elephant ride was memorable! From there, to the orchid farm then to a few craft centres around chiangmai.

The third day, we went to Mei San, a border town before you enter Myanmar. Shopping lagi.. Mei San ni macam Padang Besar.. but nicer and more things to shop. And the weather was nicer too.

From there to the Golden Triangle. Dari sekolah lagi, selalu berangan nak pergi golden triangle. But it was a disappointment. Nothing much to see. Tak ada pun poppy farm. But we did took a boat ride to Laos (ye ke laos tu... i bet we were still in Thailand) and that was fun.

Lepas dinner di Chiangrai, bertolak balik ke Chiangmai. Sampai di hotel dalam pukul 10.00 mlm. Masih ramai yang dalam shopping mode lagi, so we all pegi ke night bazaar. shopping until 12.00! then, 10 of us took the taxi back to the hotel. and that was fun too...

Keesokan harinya, lepas breakfast, bertolak balik.

Note - walaupun nampak macam aktiviti utama ialah bershopping, tapi sebenarnya tidak. sebenarnya yang bestnya di sana ialah the weather. just nice to cuddle up! (lagipun rasa guilty tak beli souvenirs untuk sesiapa... sorry guys!)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Buah Hati Pengarang Jantung



Photos courtesy of Nana, my beloved cousin.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Musibah v Hikmah

Sometimes I underestimate myself. When the doctor diagnosed that I have another cancer in me, I thought I just couldn’t handle it anymore. It was too much for me. The last operation was bad enough. My wound collapsed and I had to undergo three-time-a-day dressing, the after effect of chemotherapy, the operation, the skin staplers!

Then finally I’ve decided to allow myself to cry. I cried a few times and when I was done I said to myself: I might die during the surgery, I might die because of the infection, I might die within a few months after chemo, I might die next year after they find another cancer in me, or I might die five years after one surgery after another. The truth is I will never know. Nobody knows except for Allah.

But one thing I know best, now I am still alive and I had better spend the time that I have left to the fullest. Nobody or nothing can take that away from me.

I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer only six months after they told me I have ovarian cancer.

Setiap musibah ada hikmahnya. Ya Allah… I have seen it. Subhanallah.. the ‘hikmah’ from these musibah was so great and so wonderful that it was so bloody indescribable. And the hikmah is , I feel loved! Not ordinary love but UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tak Ada Orang

I used to have 3 J41 officers, 2 J36 TA kanan, 4 TA J29 kiri , 1 pembantu undang-undang and 2 J17 technicians (semua ada 13 including me). Chua, my J41 officer pegi Jepun buat PhD. The other 2, Fitri and Zaliza kena transfer to fill up posts kat local authorities. Today, Shereen & Shahrul cuti, Darwin MC, 5 TAs pergi Terengganu attending Mesyuarat Penolong Pegawai dan yang tinggal, Shariny, Zul and I. Hari ni tinggal 3 orang *sigh* Kerja banyak, tak ada orang nak tolong. So, tak nak buat kerja lah... hahahaha!!