Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lady Driver

I jumped queue this morning and langgar somebody's car. The unfortunate car owner was a pregnant chinese lady driver, in her thirties. She was SO ANGRY. Sampai menggigil-gigil. Dia maki hamun while the whole of Bukit Antarabangsa just looked on. I admitted that I was wrong, just kept quiet and let her bebel-bebel sampai nak hilang suara...

She called her husband. He came by and everything was settled. My car yang teruk, hers only scratched. After we paid her deposit for repairs, we went our separate ways.

The moral of the story-
1. dont jump queue,
2. never ever langgar a car owned by a lady driver with raging hormones
3. (untuk isteri-isteri) biarlah kita yang buat silap, say, like langgar kereta orang ke, daripada suami kita yang salah langgar kereta orang.. sebab kalau suami kita yang salah.. sure kita bebel lagi panjang!!! keh keh keh!

Yang, thank you sebab tak bebel dan tak marah..


Azizi Ahmad Termizi: said...


No wonder you weren't at the PICC today. My, the extent people would go just to avoid a boring seminar. Just bang into somebody. But that was a creative one - though a bit expensive la...

Abriza Mohammed said...

There was another alternative, actually.. bomb picc. Could kill two birds with one stone. Avoid going to boring seminar and at the same time create lots of empty posts. Banyak peluang naik pangkat. Mesti ada kekosongan post Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Perancangan Bandar Putrajaya...

Azizi Ahmad Termizi: said...

"Mesti ada kekosongan post Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Perancangan Bandar Putrajaya?"

Don't be too sure abt that. How do you know I WAS at the picc that morning? *wink*