Although my need is great, my gratitude is more.
But you are like the sunshine, drowning all in light.
Thank you to~
My husband ~
My husband ~
Mohd Shahid Mohd Mustafa
My family ~
My sisters Ja & Mila, My brothers Muzaffar, Ayut & Bob, My nieces Chacha, Dania & Sofia, My Tok Cuk & Long, My uncles, aunties & their whole family, Achik, Mok & Cu Ani & Pak Anjang. My In Laws, Teh & Ayah. Shahid's brothers and sisters, aunties, uncles and cousins.
My best friends ~
Zana & Kamarul, Anas, Sally, Sala & Idris, Art & Tasha, Pak Don & Aton, Maria & Alawi, Yan & Khalid, Ada & Fairuz, Zue & Naga, Imah & Ayob, Ros & Sam, Kak Yong,Kak Chik, Bjoe, Faizal Jahaya.
My Sisters in the Office ~
Kak Chom, Kak Jam, Kak Shinie, Kak Non, Kak Ha, Siti, Ana, Zaza, Cha, Shabee, Shara, Kak Mimi.
My beloved ex bosses ~
En Ismail, Tn. Hj Azam, Dato' Wan & Datin Teh
I want to tell you "Thank you,"
I want to tell you "Thank you,"
But it doesn’t seem enough.
Words don’t seem sufficient--
"Blah, blah" and all that stuff.
Please know I have deep feelings
Please know I have deep feelings
About your generous act.
I really appreciate you;
You’re special, and that’s a fact!
being the first to comment is indeed a great honour. really glad & truly touched to see our names in your list of best friends. it's about time you started this blogging thingy & will definitely bookmark this.
just one thing, "make awesome assam pedas" is relatively new, is it?. must be one hell of an assam pedas, since it's the first in your list of your claims to be.
maybe one of this day, we'll be able to taste it.
as i recall it, it's always someone else doing that cooking's either your sis, or zana or yan?
can anyone please verify this claim?
hey! you know that you are and will always be my best friend kan?? my asam pedas power! ask shahid! mmm.. but he can biased eh??
Glad to see you start busy 'blogging' yourself at home. Like Art, I'm touched with your blog. Though we cannot spare much time with you but one thing for sure our memory - the olddies and recently, will be and always be in our heart. I'm really touched and honoured when you arrange (walaupun bukan u masak) a reunion/farewell party at your house before I go to Bangla. Abi whom I know is cheerful, naughty and open. Eventhough sometimes bengang dgn joke selamba dia but we accept it as we know who is Abriza. There are miracles about you.You have very positive and strong spirit towards your struggle. Keep it up dear!
Satu je tak tahan, tak de hobby lain ke selain main janggut...Eeii ... Abi, we will wait to rasa your power asam pedas tu, whether sesedap rasa or terlebih rasa. Dari dulu lagi nak rasa masakan Johor u yang 'lagi power tu'. Alih2 beralih ke Melaka lak. Bila la nak sahut cabaran ni yek.
korang semua tak percaya eh? nanti dah sihat sikit, boleh panggil caterer (eh! silap... nanti i masak)and jemput semua makan kat rumah! having all of u at my place after sala's wedding was indeed one of the happiest days in my life! now i know, i have the greatest friends in this world! (always brag kat shahid, how wonderful my friends are!) yang paling manis.. zue lah.. hehehe!
yes, we shall now wait patiently for the 'seru' to come for one to cook the assam pedas, shall we, zue?
another thing, i am jumping onto the bandwagon by having not 1 but 3 blogs, just to be more 'bourgeoisie'(teringat mizan!) than all of you.
pls read
Kita bagi dia chance to improve and make it more power and then we can give rating...
Why you all are suddenly too enthusiastic about blog?
aku satu blog aku proletariat ler. En. AO, kau rasa berdosa ke Mizan mengajar kita 'Marxism'. kah kah kah! sebab sedikit sebanyak ideologi communism tu dah meresap masuk di jiwa! hahaha!
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