Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dedicated to Ayah

I was ENCOURAGED to start this blog. I consider it as a part of my theraphy. I remembered arwah ayah used to keep a diary. He loyally jot down everything in his diary. Even kadang-kadang the only thing he wrote were 'pergi pasar'. I remembered feeling uncomfortable seeing him doing that. Like.. he is counting the days before he leaves this world. I guessed he did. He stopped writing in his diary 100 days before he passed away.

I want to do this ~ keep a diary. Maybe I should start early. I want to remind myself always that I might have days, maybe months or maybe a few years to live. And I want to make every day, every hour, every minute meaningful! Even if the only thing I'll do in a day is going to the pasar!

Love you Ayah & Mak. So much.


Nazmin Ahmad said...

Kak Bi, I love Mak and Ayah too.Missed both of them sooo much.Al-Fatihah.

Abriza Mohammed said...

Thanks Namin!