Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Side Effects of Chemotheraphy

The chemotherapy drug that was given to me is carboplatin. A typical treatment for ovarian cancer. Carboplatin stops the growth of cancer cells, causing the cells to die. Carboplatin can temporarily lower the number of white blood cells in the blood, increasing the chance of getting an infection.
I underestimated the side effects of the drug because I went through the second and third chemo painless!
But this time....*sigh*! These side effects began right after the treatment and lasted for 3 days. Prof BK Lim, my oncologist, did prescribe an anti-sickness drug to prevent nausea and vomiting. However, I suffered loss of appetite and change of taste. I was tired all the time, I was weak. Walking from the living room to the bathroom pun tercungap-cungap (note : my apartment is small). I slept for hours.
I also notice numbness and tingling in my hands. I read somewhere this is known as peripheral neuropathy and is due to the effect of carboplatin on nerves. It is very rare if you receive usual doses of the drug, but it may happen if you have very high-dose treatment. I think I suffered hair lost. But I am not worried as I believe my hair will start to regrow once the treatment ends.
I took lots and lots of fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation and it worked. I tried the prescribed lactulose solution after my first chemo, but I ended up suffering from diarrhea... hahaha!
Luckily there's only Shahid at home, my mood has been unbearable. I know chemo can suppress estrogen production that can cause mood swings but I have the feeling that the mood swings may be related to having to endure chemotherapy treatment. It made me feel tired, irritable, queasy, and frustrated. Bersyukur, dikurniakan suami yang sabar seperti dia!

1 comment:

sweetzue said...

Hi Abi. Long time tak access your blog. Quite busy lately. I hope you recover soon. Be strong, byk bersabar, berzikir & berdoa ok.Org Libra kan strong! Jgn malas makan ubat & vitamins ok. Ha ha mcm mak2 je... Memang dah jadi mak pun kan. Tak sangka sakit2 pun u boleh jadi advisor. You are strong and positive-minded, aren't you?
Cheer up.

Wish Zana pun tak guna. Tak pernah berbunyi pun